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Volunteers Needed for Two New Projects

Based upon the results of our last Board meeting, the Section needs some folks to volunteer to take on a couple of projects:

1. The Board approved the Community Engineering Corps Committee (COE). We need to start to activate the COE. Committee members thus far include Bruce Dvorak, Marc Rosso, Chad Roberts, Ben Day, and Becky Schuerman. We welcome more members and we need someone to volunteer to be the committee chair.

2.  At the last meeting, the Board agreed to support Steve Masters in an initiative with ASCE to develop a scorecard or condition assessment for Nebraska's infrastructure. We need a volunteer or two to contact Steve and assist him with this effort.

Please volunteer -- or, if you have someone else in mind, ask them to volunteer and then keep Chad Roberts and the Board informed. You can start by contacting Ben Day at jday@olssonassociates.com or Chad Roberts at croberts@ci.norfolk.ne.us.